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South Carolina Health Insurance

Are you looking for health insurance quotes in South Carolina? You are in the right place. Just enter your zip code above and get South Carolina health insurance quotes instantly. We’ll also help you save money on your health coverage. Look for more info below and read more about South Carolina health insurance plans available in your area.

Facts and Figures

  • Place in State
    Health Report Card
  • Insured 3,765,468
  • Uninsured 736,800
  • Insurance
  • Number of
    Primary Care Physicians
  • Number of
  • Average Cost of
    Health Insurance*

Breakdown of Insureds

  • Employer-sponsored health insurance 60%
  • Private plans 5%
  • Medicaid 15%
  • Medicare 18%
  • Others 2%

Insurance Carriers

State Health Report Card

The rate of children under 18 living in poverty has increased from 17.6 percent to 25.7 percent in a year. The percentage of uninsured residents increased from 16.4% to 18.7% in the past year. There are 1.1 million obese adults in South Carolina. This number has increased from 22.0 percent to 32.0 percent in the past ten years.The number of diabetic adults have increased from 7.1 percent to 10.7 percent in the past ten years. Currently there are 379,000 South Carolina residents with diabetes. Smoking decreased from 24.9 percent to 21.0 percent in the last ten years.

South Carolina Health Insurance Laws and Regulations

South Carolina health insurance plans are required to be sold with a guaranteed renewability clause. With this, health insurance companies are required to allow policyholders to renew their policies when they end. Insurers are prohibited from cancelling a coverage if the policyholder gets sick. When writing new South Carolina health insurance plans, insurers can exclude coverage for a pre-existing condition.The look back period for pre-existing conditions is 12 months for HMO plans and up to 5 years for Indemnity or fee-for-service plans. Insurers decide how long they’ll exclude a certain condition from coverage.Insurers look at an applicant’s risk factors and decide whether to accept or deny an application. These same factors are also used to set premiums.Small businesses with 2-50 employees have access to any group plans being offered in the state. South Carolina health insurance quotes for group coverage can vary according to the risk factors of the applicants and subscrifbers must adhere to the requirements set for group plans for members to keep their coverage. Self – employed individuals cannot apply for small business group plans unless they have atleast one employee. Self-employed individuals may earn tax credits from their premiums.

Heath Care Reform

Young adults in South Carolina can now stay under their parent’s policy. The new health law mandates health insurance companies to allow parents to keep their children in their policy until age 30,376 young adults in South Carolina have benefited from this plan (as of June 2011).

Because of the new law, Medicare members no longer need to worry about their extra prescription cost. Once they reach the donut hole in 2010, they are sent a check for a $250 rebate. 54,683 seniors in South Carolina have received the rebate to offset the cost of their prescription drugs. A 50 percent discount was also given for brand name drugs once they’ve hit the donut hole. This resulted to an average savings of $32,646,527 for South Carolina Medicare members. The Affordable Care Act aims to close the donut hole by 2020.

One of the provisions of the health care reform is to provide preventive care services free of charge for Medicare members and free from cost-sharing for those enrolled under private plans. In 2011, 602,760 Medicare members and 755,000 private plan members in South Carolina have received free preventive care services like colonoscopies and mammograms.

When looking at South Carolina health insurance quotes, applicants are assured that at least 80 percent of the price will go directly to health care services and other related improvements and no more than 20 percent for administrative costs. 1,037,000 South Carolina residents are now able to maximize their premium.

Insurers are no longer allowed to impose a lifetime limit on their members’ benefits. 1,037,000 South Carolina residents are now free from having lifetime limits on their coverage. Patients with chronic diseases don’t have
to worry about maximizing their limit because of their accumulating medical

Insurers are no longer allowed to impose a lifetime limit on their members’ benefits. 1,458,000 residents South Carolina residents are now free from
having lifetime limits on their coverage. Patients with chronic diseases don’t have to worry about maximizing their limit because of their accumulating medical costs.

South Carolina has received a $18 million grant to develop more health programs and policies. They have also received $24.1million to create more health centers and to improve existing centers and the quality of health care delivered.

State Government Insurance Programs Offered


888-549-0820 803-898-2500

Services include Hospitalization, Well child/adult appointments, Lab and x-rays, Doctor visits, Vision, Dental, Prescription drugs, Family planning, Medical equipment, Hospice, Ambulance, Transportation, Nursing facility, Inpatient psychiatric care, Home health, Physical and speech therapy, Mental health, Family support services, Case management, Behavioral health, Home and community-based LTC services and more. Also offers intermediate care facilities for the developmentally-challenged. Eligibility: Must be a U.S. citizen or legal alien and South Carolina resident. Income limits for the following: Pregnant women and infants ages 0–1: 185% FPL. Children ages 1–18: 150% FPL. Aged, blind or disabled residents of licensed community residential care facilities participating in the Optional State Supplementation Program: $1,157 per month with resources of $2,000 or less. Parents/caretakers living with children ages 0–18: 93% FPL with resource limit of $30,000. Aged, blind and disabled: 100% FPL. Low-income Medicare beneficiaries: 120% FPL. Working disabled: 250% FPL. Family planning services: 185% FPL

South Carolina Children’s Rehabilitative Services (CRS) (Search: CRS)


CRS: Hospital care, Braces, equipment, Hearing aids, and hearing aid batteries, Medicines and medical supplies, Therapies (speech, physical, occupational), summer camp for children, and other services. Eligibility: CRS: Hospital care, Braces, equipment, Hearing aids, and hearing aid batteries, Medicines and medical supplies, Therapies (speech, physical, occupational), summer camp for children, and other services. BabyNet: Provides services to infants and toddlers with developmental delays or diagnosed disabilities.

BabyNet (Search: BabyNet)

803-734-0479 800-868-0404

BabyNet: Provides services to infants and toddlers with developmental delays or diagnosed disabilities. Eligibility: BabyNet: Must be children 0–3 years old who are diagnosed with a physical, emotional, or cognitive condition that will likely result in delay of development.

For Women: Best Chance Network (BCN) Search: Best Chance Network)


BCN: Program covers mammograms, clinical breast exams, pap tests, pelvic exams, diagnostic procedures, case management, community education on breast/cervical cancer and early detection. Eligibility: BCN: Must be South Carolina women with no insurance or have insurance that only covers hospital care. Must be between 47 and 64 years old, and have incomes at or below 200% FPL. .



Must be U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident, and: 1) If 65 years or older, you or your spouse worked for at least 10 years in Medicare-covered employment, or 2) You have a disability or end-stage renal disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplant) at any age.

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