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Tennessee Health Insurance

Are you looking for good Tennessee health insurance plans at reasonable rates? We can definitely help you with that! When you type in your zip code, we’ll connect you with great options at cost-effective rates. Tennessee health insurance quotes are not cheap but they doesn’t have to cost too much.

Facts and Figures

  • Place in State
    Health Report Card
  • Insured 5,245,520
  • Uninsured 947,200
  • Insurance
  • Number of
    Primary Care Physicians
  • Number of
  • Average Cost of
    Health Insurance*

Breakdown of Insureds

  • Employer-sponsored health insurance 55%
  • Private plans 6%
  • Medicaid 20%
  • Medicare 17%
  • Others 2%

State Health Report Card

The rate of violent crimes decreased in the past year from 668 to 613. There are currently 548,000 adults with diabetes in Tennessee. The percentage has increased from 9.1 percent to 11.3 percent in the past five years. 975,000 adults smoke. But this is a decrease from 26.7 percent to 20.1 percent in the last five years.The number of obese adults have decreased to 1.5 million in the past ten years from 22.9 percent to 31.7 percent. The rate of uninusred has icreased from 9.9 percent to 14.9 percent.

Tennessee Health Insurance Laws and Regulations

Residents have the right to renew their Tennessee health insurance plans when it expires. But policyholders have the responsibility to meet the conditions of the health plan to be able to keep their coverage. Insurers are not allowed to cancel a person’s coverage when they become sick.

Health plans that cover dependents will automatically cover newborn children or newly adopted children up to 31 days.

Pre-existing conditions refer to a condition diagnosed before you aplied for coverage. Insurers can choose not to cover medical services toward that condition. It may last for a few months, two years or permanently. When you switch to another insurer, the time you spent waiting may be credited to your new plan.

Insurers have the right to decide on how much the Tennessee health insurance quotes will be depending on factors like age, gender and medical condition.

Small businesses with 2-50 employees can apply for any small business group plans being offered in the state. But these groups need to adhere to the health plan’s requirements to be eligible to join.

Self employed individuals cannot get Tennessee health insurance quotes for small business group plans. But they can earn tax credits for purchasing a coverage.

Heath Care Reform

Young adults in Tennessee can now stay under their parent’s policy. The new health law mandates health insurance companies to allow parents to keep their children in their policy until age 26. 51,684 young adults in Tennessee have benefited from this plan (as of June 2011).

Because of the new law, Medicare members no longer need to worry about their extra prescription cost. Once they reach the donut hole in 2010, they are sent a check for a $250 rebate. 86,818 seniors in Tennessee have received the rebate to offset the cost of their prescription drugs. A 50 percent discount was also given for brand name drugs once they’ve hit the donut hole. This resulted to an average savings of $48,901,634 for Tennessee Medicare members. The Affordable Care Act aims to close the donut hole by 2020.

One of the provisions of the health care reform is to provide preventive care services free of charge for Medicare members and free from cost-sharing for those enrolled under private plans. In 2011, 797,368 Medicare members and 1,044,000 private plan members in Tennessee have received free preventive care services like colonoscopies and mammograms.

The new health law protects consumers’ money through the medical loss ratio which mandates insurers to spend 80 percent of their premium dollars on medical care and only 20 percent on administrative costs. 1,460,000 Tennessee residents are now able to maximize their premium.

Insurers are no longer allowed to impose a lifetime limit on their members’ benefits. 2,042,000 Tennessee residents are now free from
having lifetime limits on their coverage. Patients with chronic diseases don’t have to worry about maximizing their limit because of their accumulating medical costs.

Tennessee has received a $15.1 million grant to develop more health programs and policies.

They have also received $46.7 million to create more health centers and to improve existing centers and the quality of health care delivered.

State Government Insurance Programs Offered


800-342-3145 Inpatient and outpatient hospital services, Prenatal care, Vaccines for children, Physician services, Nursing facility services for persons aged 21 or older, Family planning services and supplies, Rural health clinic services, Home health care for persons eligible for skilled-nursing services, Laboratory and x-ray services, Pediatric and family nurse practitioner services, Nurse/midwife services. Eligibility: Must be located or reside in Tennessee and be U.S. citizens or qualified aliens. Medicaid: Income limits: Pregnant women and infants ages 0–1: 185% FPL. Children ages 1–5: 133% FPL. Children Ages 6–19: 100% FPL. Parents living with their children under 19: 129% FPL. Aged, blind and disabled: 75% FPL and asset limit of $2,000 for singles; 83% FPL and asset limit of $3,000 for couples. Individuals living in nursing homes: $2,022 per month.

TennderCare (Search: TENNderCARE)


TENNderCare: Check-ups that include health history, complete physical exams, lab tests (as needed), immunizations, vision and hearing screening, developmental and behavioral screening (as needed), and counseling on how to keep your child healthy. Eligibility: TennCare Standard: Medicaid-covered children ages 0–18 whose eligibility for and enrollment in Medicaid are ending. Must have no access to group health insurance, and have incomes of up to 200% FPL. If above 200% FPL, then patient must have problems getting health insurance due to a pre-existing medical condition. TENNderCare: Children with TennCare up to age 21.

Indian Health Services (IHS)


Must exhaust all private, state, and other federal programs. Must be regarded by the local community as an Indian; is a member of an Indian or Group under Federal supervision; resides on tax-exempt land or owns restricted property; actively participates in tribal affairs; any other reasonable factor indicative of Indian descent; is a non-Indian woman pregnant with an eligible Indian’s child for the duration of her pregnancy through post-partum (usually 6 weeks); is a non-Indian member of an eligible Indian’s household and the medical officer in charge determines that services are necessary to control a public health hazard or an acute infectious disease which constitutes a public health hazard.



Must be U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident, and: 1) If 65 years or older, you or your spouse worked for at least 10 years in Medicare-covered employment, or 2) You have a disability or end-stage renal disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplant) at any age.


888-560-2649 866-268-3786 (Click: CoverRX)



Covers Physician office visit, Hospital care, Prescription drug, Maternity, Routine health assessment and immunizations, Emergency room, Chiropractic care, Ambulance service (air and ground), Lab and x-ray, Physical, speech and occupational therapy,Inpatient and outpatient mental health and substance abuse treatment, Dental, and Vision care. Eligibilty: Must be Tennessee residents and U. S. citizens or qualified aliens. Must either be pregnant women or children ages 0–18. Must have no access to state- sponsored health insurance, and are ineligible for TennCare. Children enrollees must have been uninsured and pregnant women must have had no maternity coverage within the last 3 months prior to enrolling in CoverKids. There is no income limit but anyone making more than 250% FPL must pay full premiums.

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