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Nebraska Health Insurance

Health care is not cheap; but it doesn’t have to drain your budget. Are you in need of a good Nebraska health insurance plans at reasonable rates? We can definitely help you with that. When you type in your zip code, we’ll give you Nebraska health insurance quotes within your financial reach.

Facts and Figures

  • Place in State Health Report Card 16th
  • Insured 1,559,712
  • Uninsured 208,300
  • Insurance Carriers 14
  • Number of Primary Care Physicians 3620
  • Number of Hospitals 87
  • Average Cost of Health Insurance* $1010

Breakdown of Insureds

  • Employer-sponsored health insurance 63%
  • Private plans 8%
  • Medicaid 12%
  • Medicare 15%
  • Others 2%

Insurance Carriers

State Health Report Card

There are 963,000 adults in Nebraska who smoke. But the rate has decreased from 27.2 percent to 21.1 percent in ten years. The rate of preventable hospitalizations have decreased in the past year from 69.1 to 65.7. Obesity among adults in Nebraska have increased from 21.1 percent to 27.5 percent in the past ten years.There are 105,000 Nebraska adults with diabetes.This number increased from 4.9 percent to 7.7 percent.Nebraska’s violent crime rate has decreased from 430 to 280 offenses in the past ten years. In the past year, the incidence of infectious disease increased by 18 percent from 12.0 to 14.1 cases.

Nebraska Health Insurance Laws and Regulations

Nebraska has a law that guarantees you can renew your Nebraska health insurance plans when it expires for as long as you have not violated any condition in your policy. Insurers are prohibited from terminating your coverage due to health conditions. If you have a pre-existing condition, Nebraska health insurance carriers can choose not to cover that condition for a certain period of time. It may range from 6 months to 2 years or they may even choose not to cover it at all. Insurers have the liberty of deciding whether to accept or deny an application. Approval of application and Nebraska health insurance quotes are based on factors like health condition, age, location. Small businesses may apply for any group health plan being offered in the state. Small businesses however must comply with the requirements set by the insurer. Self employed individuals cannot apply for group plans. But they are entitled to tax credits for what they pay for in premiums. »

Heath Care Reform

Young adults in Nebraska can now stay under their parent’s policy. The new health law mandates health insurance companies to allow parents to keep their children in their policy until age 15,280 young adults in Nebraska have benefited from this plan (as of June 2011). Because of the new law, Medicare members no longer need to worry about their extra prescription cost. Once they reach the donut hole in 2010, they are sent a check for a $250 rebate. 26,072 seniors in Nebraska have received the rebate to offset the cost of their prescription drugs. A 50 percent discount was also given for brand name drugs once they’ve hit the donut hole. This resulted to an average savings of $15,175,406  for Nebraska Medicare members. The Affordable Care Act aims to close the donut hole by 2020. One of the provisions of the health care reform is to provide preventive care services free of charge for Medicare members and free from cost-sharing for those enrolled under private plans. In 2011, 197,647 Medicare members and 359,000 private plan members in Nebraska have received free preventive care services like colonoscopies and mammograms. The new health law protects consumers’ money through the medical loss ratio which mandates insurers to spend 80 percent of their premium dollars on medical care and only 20 percent on administrative costs. 564,000 Residents are now able to maximize their Nebraska health insurance premium. The new health law requires Nebraska health insurance companies who want to raise their rates by at least 10 percent to make public the details as to why there is a need for rate increase. A $1 million fund was given to Nebraska to defend and implement this provision. Insurers are no longer allowed to impose a lifetime limit on their members’ benefits. 701,000 Nebraska residents are now free from having lifetime limits on their coverage. Patients with chronic diseases don’t have to worry about maximizing their limit because of their accumulating medical costs. Through the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan, residents who have pre-existing condition can now have affordable Nebraska health insurance coverage. As of 2011, 174 residents now have a Nebraska health insurance. Without this provision, their only chance of getting covered is through very expensive Nebraska health insurance quotes. Nebraska has received a $7.3 million  grant to develop more health programs and policies. They have also received $13.4 million to create more health centers and to improve existing centers and the quality of health care delivered. »

State Government Insurance Programs Offered

Nebraska Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool (Ne CHIP)

402-343-3574 877-348-4304 Nebraska Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool (Ne CHIP) Coverage: NECHIP: Must be a legal Nebraska resident for at least 6 months prior to application, uninsured or ineligible for Medicaid or Medicare and exhausted COBRA continuation. Previous coverage terminated for reasons other than non-payment of premium or fraud, or within last 6 months was rejected for coverage due to pre-existing conditions, or offered coverage with restricted benefits or premiums higher than NECHIP’s. You have a qualified pre-existing condition. Those eligible for HIPAA plans or Trade Adjustment Assistance are also qualified.

Medicaid (Search: Medicaid) 402-471-3121 877-255-3092 TTD: 402-471-9570 Hospital, Physician, Laboratory and x-ray, Nurse midwife and practitioner services, Clinic services and family planning, Home health agency and personal care aide, Medical transportation, Ambulance, and chiropractic, Durable medical equipment, Orthotics, Prosthetics, and medical supplies, Prescription drugs and hearing aid services, Therapies (physical, occupational, speech pathology, audiology) and podiatry, Adult day treatment, Mental health and substance abuse, Vision and dental, Preventive care (e.g. mammograms). Coverage: Must be a Nebraska resident and U.S. citizen or legal qualified alien. Income limits: Pregnant woman and infants 0-1: 185% FPL. Children ages 1-5: 133% FPL. Children ages 6–18: 100% FPL. Aged, blind, and disabled: For singles, 74% FPL with asset limit of $2,000; for couples not on SSI, 82% FPL with asset limit of $3,000. Parents/caretakers living with children ages 0–18: 58% FPL. Medically-needy: Singles and couples earning $392 a month, with asset limit of $4,000 for singles and $6,000 for couples

Kids Connection Program (KCP) (S-CHIP) kidsconx.htm 402-323-7455 (Lincoln) 800-383-4278 Coverage: KCP: Hospital services, Physician services, Laboratory and x-ray, Family planning, Health checks, Home health agency, Medical transportation, Ambulance, Chiropractic, Dental, Durable medical equipment, Orthotics, Prosthetics and medical supplies, Prescribed drugs, Hearing aids, Therapy (physical, occupational, speech, pathology, and audiology), Podiatry, Mental health and substance abuse, and Vision. WIC: Nutrition education and services, breastfeeding promotion and education, monthly food prescription of nutritious foods, and maternal, prenatal and pediatric health-care services Eligibility: Must be a Nebraska resident under 19 years of age or be a primary care giver with a child under the age of 19, and a U.S. citizen or legal alien and with household income of 200% FPL. Must not be covered by health insurance (including Medicaid).

Every Woman Matters(EWM) owh/ewm

Nebraska Colon Cancer Screening Program (NCCSP) For both: 800-532-2227 402-471-0929 TTD: 800-833-7352 Coverage EWM: Breast exams, Mammograms, Pap test every 2 years, Pelvic exams, various checkups. NCCSP: Fecal occult blood test (FOBT) kits for at home testing, colonoscopies, and education about healthy living. Eligibilty Both: Must be a Nebraska resident and U.S. citizen or a qualified alien. Income limit of 225% FPL. EWM: Must be ages 40–74. Must not belong to an HMO (Health Maintenance Organization), or have Medicaid or Medicare. NCCSP: Men and women who are at least 50 years old.

Indian Health Services (Search: Aberdeen) 605-226-7582 The Aberdeen Area Office in Aberdeen, South Dakota, works together with its 13 Service Units to provide health care to approximately 94,000 Indians on reservations located in North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa. The Service Units include nine hospitals, eight health centers, two school health stations, and several smaller health stations and satellite clinics. Eligibility: Must exhaust all private, state, and other federal programs. Must be regarded by the local community as an Indian; is a member of an Indian or Group under Federal supervision; resides on tax-exempt land or owns restricted property; actively participates in tribal affairs; any other reasonable factor indicative of Indian descent; is a non-Indian woman pregnant with an eligible Indian’s child for the duration of her pregnancy through post-partum (usually 6 weeks); is a non-Indian member of an eligible Indian’s household and the medical officer in charge determines that services are necessary to control a public health hazard or an acute infectious disease which constitutes a public health hazard.

Medicare 800-633-4227 Offers Part A, inpatient care in hospitals and rehabilitative centers; Part B, doctor and some preventive services and outpatient care; Part C allows Medicare benefits through private insurance (Medicare Advantage); Part C includes Parts A, B, and C not covered by Medicare. Part D covers prescription drugs. Must be U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident, and: 1) If 65 years or older, you or your spouse worked for at least 10 years in Medicare-covered employment, or 2) You have a disability or end-stage renal disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplant) at any age
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