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Arkansas Health Insurance

Looking for Arkansas health insurance quotes? Look no further.  Instantly compare quotes from Arkansas’ leading health insurance providers and find out how you can save on the leading coverage. Enter your Arkansas zip code above to start your search or read more about Arkansas health insurance plans in your area.

Facts and Figures

  • Place in State
    Health Report Card
  • Insured 2,305,500
  • Uninsured 526,400
  • Insurance
  • Number of
    Primary Care Physicians
  • Number of

Breakdown of Insureds

  • Employer-sponsored health insurance 54%
  • Private plans 5%
  • Medicaid 20%
  • Medicare 19%
  • Others 2%

Insurance Carriers

State Health Report Card

In Arkansas, adult obesity rose 217,000 to 681,000 in a period of ten years. In the same period, cases of adult diabetes increased by 71% with more than 212,000 now affected. Smoking is still high at 22.9% among the adult population, that’s about 505,000 smokers. During the past year, children living poverty decresed from 25.7% to 21.8%. During the past five tears, mortality rate for infants decreased from 8.1 to 7.5 deaths per 1,000 live births. During the past ten years, the rate of uninsured rose from 13.7% to 18.9

Arkansas Health Insurance Laws and Regulations

Premium rates are determined by an applicant’s age or medical condition.

Individuals with pre-existing condition pay higher premiumes

Individuals with pre-existing condition pay higher premiums

Newborn and adopted children are covered automatically under their their parent’s coverage plan up to 31 days.

Those who are losing their group plan and are looking to purchase individual plans are protected by the HIPAA law. This ensures that they will not be denied even if they have a pre-existing condition and they don’t have to go through a waiting period.

Renewal of coverage is guaranteed unless the member violated policy

There is guaranteed issue for small group plans.

Heath Care Reform

For the Small business owners that are seeking Arkansas health insurance quotes, they can provide their employees with health insurance coverage at a more affordable premium through tax credits.

A rebate check of $250 will be sent to Medicare planholders who fell to the Medicare gap.

Workers who retire before the age of 65 and are waiting for Medicare elgibility can avail of early retirement coverage courtesy of a $5 billion support until they can qaulify for Medicare.

Workers who retire before the age of 65 and are waiting for Medicare elgibility can avail of early retirement coverage courtesy of a $5 billion support until they can qaulify for Medicare.

The health care reform gives a $1.5 billion fund for scholarships for health care providers working in areas where there is a scarcity of medical professionals.

Increased funding for Community Health Centers in Arkansas and construction of new ones is increased. This will make health care more accessible and affordable to residents.

Uninsured residents with pre-existing condition can now have coverage through a transitional high-risk pool. This is in preparation for 2014 when the health care reform’s provision that will prohibit insurers from denying coverage to applicants with a pre-existing condition.

No more lifetime limits on health plans. Annual limits will also be strictly regulated.

Patients will have easier access to physicians and emergency care. Women no longer need to get an approval from their primary care physician to see their gynecologist.

State Government Insurance Programs Offered

Comprehensive Health Insurance Health Plan (CHIP)


This plan is intended for individuals who may have been denied health coverage because of a medical condition. Qualified pre-existing conditions are covered under this plan. Lifetime benefits for this plan is up to $1 million which includes: comprehensive coverage of doctor visits, outpatient and in-hospital care, preventive care, prescription drugs, ambulance, labs and x-rays, maternity, nursing care, home health visits, transplants, rehabilitation, mental health and substance abuse, physical therapy, and more.

Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (Run by CHIP)


PCIP is a temporary high risk pool operated by the Arkansas Comprehensive Insurance Pool (CHIP). This program offers coverage to individuals with problems finding private coverage because of a pre-existing condition. This plan has a wide range of benefits which include hospital care, prescription drugs, emergency services, pregnancy coverage, and more. Eligibility: 1. Legal U.S. resident living in Arkansas. 2. Have no insurance coverage for at least six months. 3. Have a qualifying pre-existing condition.


800-482-8988 800-482-5431 501-682-8233

Medicaid offers coverage to low-income individuals and families who cannot pay for their Arkansas health insurance plans. Applicants for this program should meet financial and other eligibility requirements. Benefits for this program include physician services, inpatient hospital, outpatient services, home health services, dental & vision, laboratory & x-ray, ambulatory surgery centers, non-emergency transportation, nursing, family planning, Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) program services, Medicare Premium Assistance, Eligibility: 1. Must be U.S. citizens or legal residents living in Arkansas. 2. Must not exceed income limits.

ARKids First


This program is created to provide Arkansas health insurance coverage for children under 19 in low income families. Benefits for this plan include doctors services, hospital care, prescription drugs, emergency room services, emergency-only ambulance services, lab tests and x-rays, pregnancy termination, physical and occupational therapy, dental care, vision care, and many more.

Breast Care

877-670-2273 501-661-2513

Arkansas’ BreastCare program is for low-income women aged between 40 and 64, who have limited or no health insurance coverage. This program aims to provide coverage for breast and cervical cancer screening and treatment. Benefits include free breast exams, mammograms, pelvic exams and Pap smear. Free follow-up tests or treatment are also covered if needed. Eligibility: 1. Must be female 40 years and older. 2. Must be a resident of Arkansas. 3. Must have no health insurance or health insurance does not include the procedures stated above ( they cannot discriminate if you have searched for Arkansas health insurance quotes ). 4. Must meet income requirements.

Mother-Infant Program


This program is funded through Medicaid and provides assistance to new mothers and their babies. The program’s goal is to meet the new mothers and infants medical, social, and nutritional needs through skilled nursing visits. Eligibility: 1. Must be pregnant women and resident of Arkansas.



Medicare provides coverage to eligible seniors or those with qualified disability through Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, and Original Medicare. Coverage has four parts: Part A: provides inpatient care in hospitals and rehabilitative centers. Part B: provides doctor and some preventive services and outpatient care. Part C: provides Medicare benefits through Medicare Advantage. Part D: provides prescription drug coverge. Eligibility: 1. Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident. 2. Must be 65 years or older, with you or your spouse having worked in a Medicare-covered employment for at least ten years; or have a qualified disability or end-stage renal disease, regardless of age.

Veteran Affairs Medical Benefits

The Veteran Affairs (VA) Medical Benefits provides standard health benefits plan to veterans enrolled in the program. Benefits are portable and can be accessed anywhere in the VA system. Benefits include preventive and primary care, and a full range of outpatient and inpatient services. Eligibility 1. Must have veteran status.

Health Coverage Tax Credit


Health Coverage Tax Credit covers up to 80% of premiums for qualified trade-impacted workers or TAA recipients. This is a federal tax credit created by Congress through the Trade Act of 2002 which aims to make health coverage more affordable and accessible for those who may not afford it. Benefits for HCTC plans include doctor visits, prescription drugs, inpatient and outpatient care, preventive care, medical care, mental health, and substance abuse care. Eligibility: 1. Must be 55 years or older and receiving pension from Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation; or receiving Trade Adjustment Assitance. 2. Must have a qualified health insurance plan and must be paying for more than 50% of the premiums. 3. Must NOT be in prison, be listed as a dependent in tax returns, belong to certain state plans, be a recipient of 65% COBRA subsidy.

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